Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright Angling Association
Full membership is open to residents of Dumfries and Galloway.
An Adult Season ticket for 2025 is £140.
Junior membership, for children under 16 (who must be accompanied by an adult at all times) is £5.
Season tickets are available from the Treasurer, Phil Downs, at: 5, Ramsay Wood, Gatehouse of Fleet, DG7 2HJ; phone: 01557 814813 or email
Or, a season ticket may be purchased from Thomson's Newsagents in Kirkcudbright.
Lochenbreck Cup and Merrick Trophy:
These trophies are awarded annually to the Members who catch the heaviest Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout from Lochenbreck and Loch Whinyeon respectively during the season.
Junior Shield:
This trophy is awarded annually to the Junior Member who catches the heaviest trout from Lochenbreck during the season.
If possible, any fish recorded for these trophies should be witnessed by another club member and countersigned in the record sheets.